Practice in Seeing

Practice in Seeing

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8
Practice in Seeing

Life Drawing is about learning to observe and transfer to the picture plane the created order before your eyes. It has been the foundation of the visual arts since the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Practice in Seeing is a series of 90 minute art studios for adults and interested teenagers, two to three Sunday afternoons a month beginning, January 28. These sessions will explore techniques and materials used in drawing from life to build confidence and skills toward more finished works of art. During these sessions you will become familiar with traditional drawing media and learn a little art history.

Students will take home a sketchbook and art supplies with exercises to practice and discover independently. Be prepared to get messy. There are no mistakes. This is the practice in seeing.


  • Minimum age – 14 years
  • Maximum of eight (8) students
  • Term length – Two to three classes/month (total of 12 classes)
  • Class length – 90 minutes (total of 18 hours of instruction)

Class Schedule – Sunday, 1:00pm-2:30pm

  • The first class is January 28
  • No class during Holy Week (March 24-31)
  • The last class is May 19

Instructor – Steve Schwolert


  • By semester: $275 (includes $75 in supplies)
  • Three monthly installments: $95 (January 28, February 28, March 28) – TOTAL = $285
  • If you have a concern about the fees (multiple registrations, financial hardship, etc.) please contact Jonathan Mueller directly to discuss your situation.
  • Online Registration Form and Payment click here
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