Church Music

Church Music

At St. Paul, all musical offerings are in “service to the Gospel.” The varied ensembles, cantors, and instrumentalists render and deliver musical settings to highlight God’s saving acts.  These musical opportunities provide a way to stewardship God’s gift of music and present ways for people to develop and use these musical gifts in worship. We are blessed with an abundance of people willing to commit to this and share their musical gifts with our congregation, including St. Paul members and also area university students who worship with us and have made St. Paul their home as they pursue studies in the Austin area.

Please contact Jonathan Mueller, Director of Music (, if you are interested in participating or would like more information.

The Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings after the 6:00 pm mid-week service, helping to lead the congregation in its liturgy and hymnody, as well as rendering anthems focused on the scripture readings of the day or  the general theme of the season. They sing for services and festival services two to three times a month from September through May.

The Handbell Choir rehearses on Monday evenings at 6:00 pm, from September through May, and plays for worship services one to two times a month. They occasionally accompany congregational singing, as well as play mostly hymn-based compositions at various points in the service, helping the congregation to recall the texts of the rich resource of our hymnody.

The Brass Choir rehearses weekly on Monday evenings at 7:10 pm, from September through May. We currently have trumpets and trombones, but would welcome French horn, baritone, or euphonium players as well! This ensemble plays for worship services (including festival services) one to two times a month, accompanying hymns, choral anthems, and playing other music which helps to highlight the theme of the day or the current time of the church year.

Our Children’s Choir, made up of the children of the congregation, sing for the worship services with the primary rehearsal time being during Sunday School.

The Family Choir convenes annually during December in preparation for the early Christmas Eve Service.

A variety of individuals and ensembles provide vocal, instrumental, piano and organ music throughout the year, arranged by the Director of Music.

St. Paul hosts Concerts and Touring Musical Groups several times a year.

Other Music Opportunities at St. Paul in the past have included singing, caroling, and ringing for shut-ins (nursing homes), Christmas caroling on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, the Old-Fashioned Christmas Dinner, the Wimberley Trail of Lights.


The Otto Hofmann Pipe Organ of St. Paul is used to lead the worship services. The organ was built in 1967. For a list of the stops, click here.


The Carillon provides inspiration twice daily to the neighborhood chiming for three minutes each Monday through Saturday at Noon and 6 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p.m.  Pre-selected hymns that correspond to the church year rotate during the season.