Encouraging Each Other to Good Works

Encouraging Each Other to Good Works

Sunday, May 15, we heard the “Statements of Faith” from the Confirmands. I was so impressed with the consistent message of wanting to worship and receive the Sacraments regularly, even when they are no longer under the guidance of their parents! As we enter the last quarter of this fiscal year we are facing some challenges in the congregation. As was reported at Voters Assembly on May 1, the Sunday morning Church and Bible Study attendance has been declining the past three months. We all need to be like those nine newly confirmed young adults, strongly desiring to Worship and excited to Commune. Praise God we have had more new members join the congregation than we have lost through transfers or deaths this year. The Outreach Board has been working very hard at assimilation of new members into the activities of the congregation. It is important for all members to get to know each other, but especially the new members. Find out what they are interested in and get them involved in the work and fellowship of St. Paul congregation. We want to build a caring community/family.

The prior nine months’ offerings had been above what was budgeted and we, the Executive Officers, were very confident that would continue. Along with declining attendance, our offerings are below what was budgeted the last three consecutive months. The decline has us concerned, of course. Combined with the recent school student losses and the low enrollment of preschool, our treasurer has estimated a $30,000 deficit at the end of the fiscal year if offerings and other income remain trending the same.

So, I am asking all to pray about these matters.


  • That all believers in the Risen Christ will wake up Sunday mornings and have a burning desire to return to Worship and Bible Study.
  • That God would remove obstacles in our lives that interfere with that desire.
  • That parents are lead to our school and preschool and find it a place where their child can have an excellent Christian education, and be loved.
  • Boldly for the School Board, administrators and teachers for strength and encouragement to endure, and that their efforts to build relationships with the community are fruitful.

The next Council meeting is June 30, with the Annual Voters Assembly July 10. There will be important issues to decide at that meeting, including the budget for next year. Make an effort to become involved in that process.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Richard Covey, Chairman