The Authority of Jesus Christ in Your Life

The Authority of Jesus Christ in Your Life

Typically, we question most all authorities in our life, and have done so since we began breaking away from our parents. Yet, our loving Lord continually invites to receive His authority in our lives every day. It has been our experience that all who have had authority over us have not used their authority in a purely benevolent manner, but instead, have shown us their hypocrisy through their actions and words.

Jesus’ authority is never based on the Law but on His Gospel of grace. He comes that we might have spiritual healing and restoration, forgiveness of sins and hope. He never forces His authority on anyone, but gives it freely as He did at your baptism. In your baptism, His authority called you to be His child, and being a child implies that we have a great need to be under an authority for protection and care  in this world and the next.

Having such a great need as we do, He has promised to serve us with Himself that we have joy and that we may find comfort in His benevolent authority over us. For us to submit to such authority, our “self” must daily die that His authority may have His way with us. As His authority has its way over us, He regularly reveals our great need to be served by Him with His authoritative cleansing and renewal.

Grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for He will bring to completion that which He began in you at your baptism.