St. Paul Handbells and Choir Visit Local Assisted Living Homes

St. Paul Handbells and Choir Visit Local Assisted Living Homes


What a thrill! What a happy experience! Quite simple, but profoundly appreciated!

On December 9 choir members and bell players visited the residents of Buckner Villas, The Conservatory, and Harmony Point. Christmas carols were presented and the many special loved ones were invited to sing along. Some quotes from our members:

Sherry Wukasch: “Earl enjoyed it very much! He whispered, ‘Look, they are taking pictures and including everyone!’ Other residents have told me they especially liked seeing and hearing the bells. They make the season so bright!”

Iris Wenzel: “We so enjoyed the Christmas Concert – our theater was full and everyone enjoyed joining in with the Christmas carols. I especially enjoyed visiting with friends from my days at St. Paul as well as others I had not known. Cookies and cider were provided after the concert.”

Nancy Brelin: “St. Paul’s involvement here meant so much to me and Harvey. The huge entryway was full of residents listening and singing along. We hear Christmas carols, but none as beautiful as these. One comment from a friend: ‘This just made my Christmas!!'”

Another opportunity to connect with seniors and friends on our campus is beginning January 10. A monthly get-together for fellowship and games in the parlor from 11:00 until 2:00 promises to be a good time. Contact Charles Whitsel at or 512.312.0038 for more information.