Austin Creation Society Mini-Retreat

Austin Creation Society Mini-Retreat

Austin Creation Society Mini-Retreat                     (with Dr Joel Heck and Pr Bryan Wolfmueller)                                                                                   Saturday, November 5 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm                                                                                                  St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin Texas                                       FreeWe are God’s creatures, created by Him. This fundamental Christian confession is under attack by our culture. We want to talk about it.

Join me (Pastor Wolfmueller) and Dr. Joel Heck for a mini-conference on the topic of Creation.


9:00 am Opening Devotion
9:15 am “The Importance of Beginnings” Dr Joel Heck
10:15 am “The Importance of Creation Dictinctives” (Creature/Creator, Animal/Man, ` Man/Woman) Pr Bryan Wolfmueller
11:15 pm “The New Testament on Creation” Dr Joel Heck
12:15 pm Lunch (on your own)1:15 Break
1:30 pm “The Devil’s Shame Battle” Pr Bryan Wolfmueller
2:30 pm Closing Devotion

3:00 pm For those interested: the first-ever meeting of the Austin Creation Society

(All events will be in the Fellowship Hall)

Dr. Joel Heck, Assisting Pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas, is the author or editor of fifteen books, five of them on C. S. Lewis. He and his wife Cheryl live in Austin.