Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women, who find themselves in an unintended pregnancy.  Our primary goal is to provide a safe and non-judging place of support. We believe that the church should provide support for these young women, instead of being the last place that they are welcomed because of shame and guilt. This twelve-week program teaches them about God’s love and grace.  At the end we will give them a baby shower to honor them for choosing life and to help provide for their baby’s needs.

Our next group will begin meeting on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, and we are looking for participants!

Please prayerfully consider serving weekly or at other special events that are part of this program. You can also help by sharing this with anyone one you know who is pregnant and needs support. You can also share our information with any groups that support pregnant women.

For more information about Embrace Grace go to www.embracegrace.com or contact  Brittney at embracegrace@stpaulaustin.org.  Drop-ins are encouraged and no appointment is necessary – we’ll be there!