Witnesses to His Resurrection

Witnesses to His Resurrection

Note: The structure of the following sermon is that of a four dialogs between pairs of individuals as they each discuss the meaning of Jesus’ ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Each column indicates the words of a particular individual.

Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dialog 1.

“Hey, Martha?”

“Yes, Mary?”

“Did they say where they were going?”

“Out toward Bethany, Matthew said. To the Mount of Olives.”

“I wish we could have gone along. I always love listening to Jesus.”

“I know, Mary. His words are always so powerful, even if we don’t understand everything. And He’s done so much for us, especially and raising Lazarus after he died. Then giving Himself up to be arrested and killed, so the evil ones wouldn’t come after the rest of us. That was so sad and horrible at the time, but now that He’s come back from the dead, I just feel so wonderful! It’s hard to believe sometimes!”

“We have to believe it, Martha. We’ve seen Him with our own eyes! We’ve even seen the places they drove the nails into His body, remember? We saw Him die and be buried, but now we’ve seen Him alive!

“Don’t forget what He told Thomas, though, Mary: ‘Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe.’ Plenty of people haven’t seen any of His miracles, but they have heard the news about Him, and realize that He’s fulfilled all the prophecies, from the books of Moses right through Malachi. They believe because of God’s word.”

“You’re right, Martha. You’re always so practical and reasonable. But I still wish we could have gone along. I can understand Him taking His twelve closest disciples along… well, eleven now that Judas Iscariot is gone. But why did Jesus invite Justus and Matthias along?”

“I’m not sure about that, either, Mary. But Justus and Matthias have been with Jesus since the very beginning of His teaching, just like the other eleven, and they’ve heard His teaching and seen His miracles. Maybe Jesus has something special He wants them to do.”

“Well, I still don’t like it. They’re going right out near Bethany, almost to our house, Martha! We haven’t been home since before Passover. I hope Lazarus is doing all right.”

“Oh, I’m sure Lazarus is doing just fine, Mary. If Jesus will raise you from the dead, there’s nothing else to worry about, right? Ha, listen to me! I used to be the one who was always so worried about everything: Whether I was being a good hostess, whether I had enough help or not. But now I know that Jesus doesn’t love me for what I do, He just loves me. He’ll always take care of us, Mary.

“Yes, I know that, Martha. I’ve heard that the authorities don’t know what to do about Him or about us. In some ways, they’re scared of what they’ve heard about Him coming back from the dead. They’re afraid He might really be the Messiah, the Son of God, and they seem to be trying to find Jesus’ followers. I’m a little bit frightened of what might happen.”

“No need to be scared, Mary. When Jesus is ready to establish His kingdom, they won’t be able to do anything that can truly harm us. Those teachers of the Law won’t have any authority at all, and not even the Roman Empire and all its soldiers can defeat God.”

“You’re so optimistic, Martha. I sure hope you’re right.”

“I know I’m right, Mary. Now, come help me get dinner ready. I’m sure Jesus and the others will be hungry when they get back. We can trust Jesus and His Word. After all, we’re witnesses to His resurrection.”

<Sing Stanza 1 of LSB 491>

Dialog 2.

“Hey, Peter, do you know where are we’re headed?”

“Out to the Mount of Olives, Andrew. You remember the place, out toward Bethany. We’ve been there before.”

“Oh, man; are you serious? That’s where all this trouble got started, remember? That’s where Jesus sent a couple of the guys off to get that donkey, so He could ride into Jerusalem. That really got those Pharisees bent out of shape. And if that wasn’t enough, a few days later, He gave us all those warnings about how awful it was going to be at the end of the world. Do we really want to go back there?”

“That’s where Jesus wants us to go, Andrew. Remember, those warnings were to prepare us against false teachings people would try to spread in His name. He was just looking out for us, like He always does.”

“Yeah, I know He looks out for us, but the Mount of Olives gives me the creeps. That’s also where that rat Judas led the mob to arrest Him in the garden, remember? And you darn near got us all killed with that stunt with the sword, you hot-head! We were just lucky they were all so scared of Jesus, or you’d be buzzard bait, brother.”

“I know, Andrew. That was pretty foolish. I’d just as soon forget those things. I’ve never felt worse than that night, when I denied knowing Him… even after He’d warned me that I would! But we can’t forget those things. They all happened for a reason. We may not understand it all yet, but He said that we would someday. Either way, we have to tell people the truth about Jesus.

“Yeah, I suppose so, Peter. Why do you think He told us not to leave Jerusalem? Something about being baptized with the Holy Spirit, He said. What do you think that’s all about? I thought baptism was just being washed with water.”

“Baptism is more than just a symbol, Andrew, you should know that. I don’t know Greek all that well, but I think βαπτω can also mean to be totally covered by something; immersed, completely surrounded.”

“Yeah, you’re right, Peter. But as a fisherman, I know that if you get immersed in water for too long, you die.”

“Yes, that’s true, Andrew. We’ve almost seen it happen, in some of those storms. Jesus saved us several times out of the water, that’s for sure. Just by saying a few words or reaching out to me.”

“Do you think this baptism with the Holy Spirit he talks about is going to be anything special, Peter? Jesus said it will be a gift from the Father. That sounds like God’s going to do it, not us.”

“Yeah, it sure does, Andrew. I guess we’re just going to have to wait and see. Do you remember that night a couple years ago, when Nicodemus snuck over to talk with Jesus? He told Nicodemus that ‘no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the spirit.’ I suppose that’s why we need the Holy Spirit, too, Andrew.”

“Yeah, I’m sure looking forward to that day when He establishes the kingdom of God. Aren’t you, Peter? Then everything will be all right, and we’ll be helping Him run it. Cool, huh?”

“Andrew, Jesus told us that God’s kingdom isn’t like that. It isn’t of this world. James and John tried to get Jesus to say that they’d be top dogs when He came into power, and He didn’t make the job sound all that attractive. He said whoever wanted to be the greatest had to make himself the servant of all. He even said that if anyone would come after Him, he must take up his cross and follow Him. He wasn’t just kidding about the cross, right? Are you ready for that?”

“I don’t know, Peter. I suppose, if that’s what He wants us to do. I trust Him. I just hope He’ll establish that kingdom soon, you know? Maybe that’s why He brought us out of the city, to tell us what’s going on.”

“Look, He’s stopping. Maybe we’ll just have to ask Him about that, Andrew. I’m sure His kingdom is going to be wonderful. He promised us that we would see it, and we can trust Jesus and His Word. After all, we’re witnesses to His resurrection.”

<Sing Stanza 2 of LSB 491>

Dialog 3.

Angel Gabriel:
“Hey, Michael…”

Angel Michael:
“Yeah, Gabriel?”

Angel Gabriel:
“What are we doing here, again?”

Angel Michael:
“What, you can’t remember what God told us for five minutes?”

Angel Gabriel:
“I remember what He said just fine. I just don’t understand why.”

Angel Michael:
“Gabriel, you know that we’re not supposed to question what God reveals to us. He’s got His reasons, and we aren’t supposed to delve into His will beyond what He reveals. Wanting to be like God, knowing everything, is what got Lucifer into trouble in the first place. And then Lucifer got the human beings to try it, too. It’s just not a good idea, pal.”

Angel Gabriel:
“Yeah, I know, Michael. But, He didn’t create us—or them—to not think about things, right?”

Angel Michael:
“You’re right, Gabriel. He does want us to think. But just like He’s said, we should focus on things above, not things below. And we can’t speculate about what He wants, we have to follow what He’s revealed to us. These humans have had trouble doing that, even with all the evidence right in front of them, written down.”

Angel Gabriel:
“They are pretty dense sometimes, aren’t they? He lays out everything for them, in the books of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms, and they still miss it. Well, most of them do.”

Angel Michael:
“Yes, Gabriel, unfortunately, most of them do. They think they can figure out the universe, and each other, and work out all their problems, all on their own. They’d be so much better off if they simply realized that they’ve become flawed by sin, and completely doomed if left to themselves. But their pride gets in the way, and they can’t admit their sin. They can’t fathom that He really does love them enough to have let the Son come down and die for their sins, to take the punishment they deserved themselves.”

Angel Gabriel:
“It is pretty hard to believe, don’t you think, Michael? I certainly didn’t see it coming, did you?”

Angel Michael:
“No, I didn’t, Gabriel. Well, not before the Scriptures were written, anyway. And you’re right… it’s completely unexpected, and doesn’t make logical sense. But it doesn’t have to make logical sense. God does things in His own way. And He’ll give the gift of faith to those He has chosen, so they can believe the unbelievable.”

Angel Gabriel:
“Yeah, I know. I think it’s going to be great, having all of those people up in heaven with us someday. Can you imagine the praise and thanksgiving and glory and honor we’ll get to join in? Better than anything we’ve seen or heard so far, I’m sure. So, how should we handle this, then?”

Angel Michael:
“Oh, I’m thinking something along the lines of how we did it at the resurrection. What do you think?”

Angel Gabriel:
“Appear in the forms of men, with the bright white clothing? Yeah, that worked out OK at the tomb. These disciples seem to need a little dazzling now and then, to know that the Word is coming from God, but not so much as to scare them to death, right? Although… ha, ha… those guards pretty well lost it, didn’t they? Dropped like sacks of potatoes when we showed up to roll back that stone.”

Angel Michael:
“Well, I thought the earthquake was a bit much, but those were our orders.

Angel Gabriel:
“Nah… those guards needed a little shaking up. If they want to be agents of evil, why should we pull any punches?”

Angel Michael:
“That’s true. We can’t compromise with evil, no way, no how. Oh, and I forgot to tell you… these disciples are going to get a promotion. They’re going to be ‘apostles’.”

Angel Gabriel:
“‘Apostles,’ huh? Doesn’t that mean ‘Ones Who Are Sent’? Where’s He going to send them?”

Angel Michael:
“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, Gabriel. Just like everything else, He’s got it all planned out perfectly.”

Angel Gabriel:
“Yep, I agree. Look, He’s getting ready to ascend. Do you want to do the talking again, or should I?”

Angel Michael:
“Ah, let’s both do it this time. Remember, God said they’ll stand there staring up at the clouds, awestruck in how Jesus left, and pretty frightened, too. We simply need to chide them a little about that, and give them confidence that He’ll return again. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.”

Angel Gabriel:
“Okay, that works for me, Michael. There is something I don’t understand, though.”

Angel Michael:
“What’s that, Gabriel?”

Angel Gabriel:
“Well, the other day He said, ‘I will be with you always, to the end of the age,’ right? How’s that going to happen if He’s up in heaven?”

Angel Michael:
“Well, Gabriel, nothing is impossible with God. So, it has to be true if Jesus said it. He also told them that He would send the Holy Spirit, right? And the Holy Spirit is just as much God as Jesus is, and just as much as the Father is. So, God is still with them when the Holy Spirit is with them. He’s also given them His Word in the scriptures, and pretty soon one of them is going to figure out that Jesus is the word, and ‘the Word is with God, and the Word was God.’ That’ll help them understand. And, of course, remember what He told them in the upper room that night, before He was arrested and killed: ‘This is my body, this is my blood.’ He’ll be there, right with them, whenever they gather together and share that meal in the way that He taught them. All those things bring God to them.”

Angel Gabriel:
“Wow, Michael, that’s pretty amazing. He’s thought of everything, hasn’t He? Do you think they’ll believe it?”

Angel Michael:
“I sure hope so, Gabriel. They can trust Jesus and His Word. After all, they’re witnesses to His resurrection.”

<Sing Stanza 3 of LSB 491>

Dialog 4.

“What are you going to tell her, John?”

“I’m going to tell her the truth, James. That’s what He expects us to do.”

“But she’s already gone through so much with Him, John. Getting pregnant by the Holy Spirit, having to flee to Egypt when He was just a baby, almost losing Him at the temple when He was just a kid. Then all the skepticism and anger and rejection about His miracles and His teaching.”

“She’s stronger than you might think, James. She even stood there and watched while He was being crucified. I was right there next to her. It hurt her, but somehow she seemed to know that it was going to turn out all right.”

“Well, yeah, I know she’s pretty tough, but still. Seeing Him dead and buried was horrible enough, and then to get Him back from death, she’s got to be on an emotional high, John. He’s asked you to look out for her. How can you tell her that He’s disappeared, into the clouds? How much can the woman take?”

“James, I appreciate your concern, brother, I really do. But I’m the one responsible for her now, even though she’s got other children. She’s His mother, and she needs to know the truth about her Son. In fact, everyone needs to know the truth about Him, and that’s our job now. After all, we’re witnesses to His resurrection.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right, John. It’s not just us and His mother that He loves, is it?”

<Sing Stanza 4 of LSB 491>