Sermons on Luke 17:11-19

Sermons on Luke 17:11-19

Lord, Have Mercy

[Machine transcription] Brothers and sisters, looking at the Gospel reading tonight, the healing of the lepers, please be seated. And especially on Thanksgiving, when this Gospel lesson is read, the usual focus is on the one thankful leper, fitting with the Thanksgiving theme. But my focus tonight, I want to look at that request that the lepers made of Jesus, Lord Lord…

Blessed to Be Thankful

Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. So, which of the two miracles in tonight’s Gospel lesson from St. Luke do you consider the more amazing? The first one? Or the second? It’s not a trick question; there really are two—maybe even more. We just have to move our eyes and thoughts away from our obsession…