Sermons on John 10:1-10
Sermon for Fourth Sunday of Easter
[Machine transcription] Christ is risen. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. This Sunday, you might often hear it referred to as Good Shepherd Sunday, and I think it’s interesting that in our gospel text, we really don’t even get to the verses that talk about the Good Shepherd himself. But to follow the…
The Shepherd Always Leads
The Voice of the Shepherd
The Real Shepherd
It is only with the greatest trepidation and humility that any preacher should approach a gospel text that speaks of shepherds, whether good or bad. For when Holy Scripture speaks of bad shepherds, it takes to task those who were called to lead God’s people in faithful obedience, but who fell down on the job and chose their own selfish paths. Bring up those sorts of bad…