Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Finally, dear saints, be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God. You who are baptized, which is you; if you’re not baptized, see me after church. You who are baptized have been enlisted by the Lord Jesus in a spiritual battle. How many of you know that? And if you have kind…

Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear saints, there is a Latin phrase that you learn at seminary that is, I think, helpful this morning. The phrase is *satis doctrinae*, and it basically means the seat of doctrine, or the place where the Bible teaches clearly a certain thing. You know how in the catechism it’ll have a question and then an answer…

Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[Machine transcription] Grace, mercy, and peace from God, our Father, and His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. Dear baptized believers in Christ’s Church, after hearing the gospel lesson this morning with the Master and the Manager, is God giving to His disciples and giving to you and me permission to be dishonest in the management of the things that He…

Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[Machine transcription] And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well.” You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear Saints of God, when I was asking the vicar this morning for sermon help, he said that I should unravel the James 2 passage. I wanted to preach on the gospel, so I figure we’ll do a little bit of both,…

Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear saints of God, the Lord Jesus Christ gave to Peter the keys of the kingdom and says, whatever you bind is bound, whatever you loose is loose. Jesus extended that gift to the church earlier in Matthew chapter 18. He says, whatever you all bind is bound, and whatever you loose is loose. And so Peter is thinking about…

Getting to The Heart of The Matter

[Machine transcription] Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Using the gospel text for our sermon today, please be seated. Some background about that gospel reading today is what we heard last week, actually, that some Jewish religious leaders, Pharisees, approached Jesus and asked him about his disciples,…

Don’t Avoid Conflict

[Machine transcription] If you consider the hymn that we just sang, I hope that as you read it and sang it, you begin to see what the hymn writer was getting at. That the Christian life is full of endurance. The Christian life is not problems solved quickly, problems eliminated rapidly, but problems lead and leave with themselves with us for sometimes decades.…

The Hiddenness of God

[Machine transcription] Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Will you pray with me? You see my sin, yet seat me at your table. Lord, as a guest, I surely am the least, unclean, unfit of worthy deeds unable. My heart, prepare for this most holy feast. My heart, prepare for this most holy feast. Amen. O Lamb…

Faith’s Work

[Machine transcription] Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the text for this morning comes from the Gospel reading. You may be seated. Consider both miracles in this morning’s Gospel. The first miracle occurs with a Syrophoenician woman. Now, coming from…