Sermons on Matthew 21:33-46

Sermons on Matthew 21:33-46

Sermon for Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[Machine transcription] Jesus says the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces But when it falls on anyone it will crush him. You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, Amen Dear Saints, there are a number of beautiful pictures all throughout the scriptures of the church and The descriptions are of how the Lord is and how we are with him. Just to take an easy…

Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear Saints, one of the most fruitful things for us to meditate on as Christians is, as we read and explore the Scriptures, are the pictures that the Bible puts before us of the Church, images and parables and stories that the Lord uses to describe how it is with us and Him. There’s a lot of them. One of the most…