Sermons on Mark 1:4-11

Sermons on Mark 1:4-11

Joined Into Faithful Love

Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior, baptized for us, Jesus Christ. Amen. This morning we continue our journey through the month of January. Our consideration of God’s Word is centered on our theme of “His Faithful Love; Our Thankful Response.” Last week, Pastor Nuckols taught us about God’s faithful love being revealed…

Baptized to Death, Baptized to Life

For anybody who is a fan of baseball, or humorous things, or even just of an average-guy-done-good, you’ve simply gotta love Yogi Berra. No, I’m not speaking of the cartoon character with the sidekick named Boo-Boo, who tried to abscond with picnic baskets under the ever-watchful eye of the park ranger. I’m talking about the New York Yankees’ All-Star catcher in the 1940s…