Sermons from December 2024
Sermon for First Sunday of Christmas
[Machine transcription] In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear baptized believers in Christ’s church, the Holy Spirit has called you by the gospel, enlightened you with His gifts, sanctified and kept you in the true faith. God’s Word, connected with water, worked in you through holy baptism. Because of God’s…
Sermon for Christmas Day
[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, Amen. The first is that we want to remember that our Lord Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is eternal. That he was begotten of the Father before all worlds. In that eternal day, like we chanted in Psalm 2, today I have begotten you. We heard it confessed by John in the very first verse of his chapter, of…
Sermon for Christmas Eve
[Machine transcription] And there was a multitude of angels and the heavenly hosts praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.” You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Dear Saints, Merry Christmas, and may God’s peace be with you as we are gathered here on the eve of the 2026th…
Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Advent
[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, Amen. Dear Saints, this book of Hebrews is a marvelous, we’ve been studying it in Sunday school, such a marvelous text, beautiful sermon. It starts out with all of these verses Times when the Father is speaking to the Son in the Old Testament: Psalm 2, “You’re my Son, today I’ve begotten you.”…
Sermon for Third Sunday in Advent
[Machine transcription] Jesus says, “I tell you, among those born of women, none is greater than John, yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” You may be seated. Dear Brandon, and to all the lords baptized, we are part of the kingdom of God that Jesus is preaching about. This text is so wonderful. It’s a kind of tough text,…
Sermon for Advent Midweek 2
[Machine transcription] In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Dear Christians, there are two glories that will be revealed on the last day. We heard the voice of Jesus in the Gospel reading saying, “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” The Lord Jesus is already reigning in his glory since…
Sermon for Second Sunday in Advent
[Machine transcription] The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. You may be seated. Dear Emmeline, and to all the baptized, grace and mercy and peace be yours from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. We’re going to consider this morning this great character given to us in the scriptures, St. John the…
Sermon for First Sunday in Advent
[Machine transcription] Dear baptized believers in Christ’s church, last Sunday, on the last Sunday of the church year, Pastor Wolf Mueller preached about the end times, when the present heaven and earth will all pass away. On that day, the Lord Jesus will come again, as he promised it from his throne on high, and he will appear in the sky with his entourage of all…