Sympathy for the Sinner

Sympathy for the Sinner

Grace, mercy, and peace to you this holy night, from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has had sympathy for the sinner. Amen

Please allow me to introduce myself;
I was sent from heaven above.
I’ve been around since before mankind,
An expression of God’s love.

I came around when Abraham
Trusted God over doubt and pain.
Made sure the sacrificial knife
Never punctured Isaac’s vein.

Pleased to meet you;
I’m sent by the Lord.
Though you might not yet understand,
I obey and speak God’s Word.

I was sent into Egypt’s midst
When Israel’s freedom was God’s plan
Killed every first-born man and beast
Not protected by the blood of the lamb

I went before
Israel into war,
When the pagan tribes
Were to be no more.

Pleased to meet you;
Though the wait was long,
Christ was born of a Virgin’s womb,
And the heavens burst with song!

I brought the news
Of the Savior’s birth
Not to kings and queens,
But the dregs of earth

I could shout out:
“You killed the Son of God!”
But it saved your life;
Are you still not awed?

Let me please give you news this night:
All your wealth and strength is vain.
Trusting them is a trap from hell;
They will fail, and cause you pain.

Pleased to serve God;
Hope you’ll hear His Truth.
Though it puzzles, even angers, most,
It’s for the agèd, and for youth.

Here’s the message:
Though the world seems lost,
It’s been reconciled,
By His bloody cross.

Though all of you are crass criminals,
Jesus makes you sinners, saints.
His righteousness
Is poured over you,
And your death is washed away.

So, when you hear this,
Have humility.
Have repentance.
Receive faith.
All your works are like filthy rags—
Only Christ has power to save.

I’m glad you came here.
This is where God serves.
Christ gives love, hope, and life, right here,
Which none of us deserves.

And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

May the peace and joy which comes from Him who has had sympathy for the fallen sinner—even for you—be yours now and forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, our King, our Savior. In His holy (X) name, Amen.